
Snacks and Snacking

Snacks and Snacking

Size matters
hottest snacks today are more than a fastbite - they seem to be a mini-meal with too many kilojoules and a great deal of fat and sugar (like doughnuts, muffins,LaDainian Tomlinson Jersey, chocolate bars and biscuits) or fat and salt (potato crisps, pizza, fries or savoury crackers).
Take doughnuts. At 20 grams of fat and over 2000 kilojoules (500 calories), 2 cinnamon doughnuts pile on one-third of the day's recommended intake of fat and kilojoules for the popularsedentary woman.

And maximumof that fat is the 'bad' saturated fat, the type that clogs arteries and thickens your waistline. a large Danish pastake a look ator a bucket of hot chips does the same.

Snacking's not bad
Snacking itself isn't all bad. Snacks may also be helpful to spread all of the intake over a day, particularly for 3 groups:
1.Children, with their small stomach capacity, eat better with snacks and research bears this out - a couple of80 to 90 per cent of childrensnack between meals. if your kidcan't sit still for long enough to eat an entire dinner, small snacks staythem topped up - see you later since the y're nutritious. So a tubof yogharmtops up their calcium, an individualdarin tops up their vitamin C and so on.
2.people with diabetes can staytheir blood sugar steady within the event thon they spread their 'food load' into on.

3.Dieters can burn more fat and shrink their stomach size by switching to fiveor 6 mini-meals with snacks. the theory is that you justr stomach gets used to feeling full after a methodst portion - not a huge one.

selectionmagazine on snacks
When selectionmagazine surveyed around 100 lunch snacks fotherwise youngsters in 2005, they found that only one in 4might be referred to as"nutritious". They set 4criteria for snacks to be classified as "healthy" which it is possible for you to to use as a guide to judge a muesli bar, muffin or cracker biscuit snack that says to be "best for you". they would likeed to don't have anyt as much as:

?600 kilojoules (150 calories)
?fiveg saturated fat
?1fiveg of sugar
?200mg of sodium.
fitsnack guide
listed below are a couple ofsuggestions for fitsnacks. Print it out and post it on the fridge to remind yourself of your selectionwithout losing out on nutrition.

?Fresh fruit (pack grapes,Chris Cooley Jersey, rockmelon cubes or cherries into small plastic containers)
?Canned fruit

?Fruit snack packs this kind ofs those packed in transparentplastic
?Sultana boxes
?Dried fruit and nut packs (not fotherwise youngsters under three because of the risk of choking)
?Frozen odiversityquarters or frozen grapes.
Dairy foods

?Yogharm- fruit, plain or frozen
?Cheese wedge or slice,Tiki Barber Jersey, plain or with vita-weet,A.J. Hawk Jersey, water crackers or crispbread
?Cheese on toast
?Banana or berry smoothie.
?Handful (30-50g) of mixed nuts, preferably unsalted
?Nut and dried fruit trail mix
?Nut bars (like a muesli bar but seek for one made up mainly of nuts, versus cereal).

?Fresh bread spread with peanut butter, honey or jam
?Toasted muffin with cheese
?Raisin loaf
?Crackers spread with peanut butter or cream cheese.

?Bowl of cereal with milk and banana (wonderfulfor hungry teens)
?Mini-wheats eaten dry as a snack
?Cereal bar or cereal-nut bar.five or six smallish meals. they are going to commencewith cereal and fruit,Julius Peppers Jersey, then at 10.30am snack on a slice of toast with cheese, then have a sandwich at 1pm, a nut bar inside the afternoon and so


